Learn how to wrest control of AutoCAD complex dynamic block system
Tailoring Dynamic Blocks is the most popular of our AutoCAD ebooks. It teaches you all there is to know creating and using AutoCAD's dynamic blocks and Block Editor environment. We recommend the AutoCAD 2010 edition, as it is vastly expanded over the two earlier editions:
Guided tour of Block Editor
Commands specific to Block Editor
Comprehensive parameter reference
Catalog of dynamic blocks
History of dynamic blocks
Tutorials on creating dynamic blocks
Dozens of tips
Extensive documentation on related system variables
Free bonus! Download the 15 .dwg files used for tutorials by clicking here to download from Dropbox in a 110KB ZIP file
The update for AutoCAD 2010 includes:
All of the commands and system variables added to 2010
New geometric and dimensional constraints
New Block Test environment
New Block Table feature
New construction lines
Updated screen grabs
48 pages longer!
The best way to learn how to create dynamic blocks is through tutorials, and this ebook includes the following ones:
- Your first dynamic block
- Dynamic blocks with geometric and dimensional constraints
- Using the new Block Table feature
- How to create chained actions (by popular demand from our readers)
As with all of our e-books:
- All illustrations in full color
- Formatted for printing on standard 8.5x11 paper
- Margins designed for three-hole punching
- Free subscription to upFront.eZine e-newsletter
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Table of Contents: Tailoring Dynamic Blocks
Important note: The content of each edition varies depending on the features in the release; [2010] indicates item new to AutoCAD 2010
Chapter 1 - Introducing Dynamic Blocks
What’s New in AutoCAD 2010, Trying Out Dynamic Blocks, Multiple Dynamic Blocks, Reducing Grip Confusion, Parametric Dynamic Blocks [2010], Actions of Dynamic Blocks, The History of Dynamic Blocks, Summary of Parameters, Actions, and Options, Alignment, Basepoint, Flip, Linear, Point, Polar, Rotation, XY, Visibility, Lookup, Block Properties, Which Action? Which Parameter?, Block Editor Authoring Palettes, Summary of Block Editor Commands and System Variables
Chapter 2 - Touring the Block Editor
Guided Tour of Block Editor, Block Editor Ribbon, Overview of Commands and System Variables Specific to Block Editor, External Commands, Internal Commands, Utility Commands, Parameter, Action, and Parametric Commands, Grips Commands, Visibility Commands, Attribute Command, Disabled Commands, Block Editor Settings [2010], Authoring Objects, Parameter and Grip Size, Parameter Font, Constraint Status, Miscellaneous Options, Block Test Window [2010], Construction Lines [2010], Block Properties Table [2010]
Tutorial: Your First Dynamic Block
Chapter 3 - Comprehensive Parameter & Action Reference
The BParameter and BAction Commands, Summary of Parameters, Options Common to All Parameters, Summary of Actions, Further Options, Point Parameter, Point |Move Action, Point | Stretch Action, Linear Parameter, Linear | Array Action, Linear | Move Action, Linear | Move Pair Action, Base and Value Set Options, Linear | Stretch Action, Linear | Stretch Pair Action, Linear | Scale Action, Polar Parameter, Polar | Array Action, Polar | Move Action, Polar | Move Pair Action, Polar | Polar Stretch Action, Polar | Scale Action, Polar |Stretch Action, Polar |Stretch Pair Action, About Pairs and Box Sets, XY Parameter, XY | Array Action, XY | Array Box Set Action, XY | Move Action, XY | Move Pair Action, XY | Move Box Set Action, XY | Scale Action, XY | Stretch Action, XY | Stretch Box Set Action, Rotation Parameter, Rotation | Rotate Action, Alignment Parameter, Flip Parameter, Flip | Flip Action, Visibility Parameter, Basepoint Parameter, Lookup Parameter, Lookup | Lookup Action, Lookup Syntax, Editing Parameters with the Properties Palette
Chapter 4 - Geometric & Dimensional Constraints [2010]
About Geometric and Dimensional Constraints, Summary of Geometric Constraints, Tutorial on Constraints, Summary of Dimensional Constraints, Summary of Geometric Constraint Points, Applying Geometric Constraints Automatically, Dimensional Constraints in Block Editor, Tutorial on Constraints in Block Editor
Chapter 5 - Block Editor Tutorials
Tips on Creating Dynamic Blocks, The Block Authoring Palette, Tips on Placing Parameters, Placing Actions, Viewing Relationships, Using Parameter Sets, Debugging Dynamic Blocks
Tutorial 1: Move-Point, A. Starting AutoCAD and Entering Block Editor, B. Assigning the Point Parameter, C. Assigning the Move Action, D. Testing the Dynamic Block
Tutorial 2: Stretch-Linear, A. Changing the Parameter Label, B. Using Ortho Mode, C. Double-click to Apply the Stretch Action, D. Testing the Dynamic Block
Tutorial 3: Rotate-Rotation, A. Using Parameter Sets, B. Attaching Objects to the Action, C. Editing Parameters with Properties to Restrict Movement
Tutorial 4: Alignment, A. Add the Alignment Action, B. Aligning Blocks to Objects
Tutorial 5: Flip-Flip, A. Entering Commands at the Keyboard, B. Adding the Flip Action
Tutorial 6: Visibility, A. Opening Drawings in Block Editor, B. Placing the Visibility States Parameter, C. The Visibility States Dialog Box, D. Name Dynamic Blocks Created from Drawings
Tutorial 7: Block Table [2010], A. Open Block Editor with No Block, B. Draw Dynamic “Clock” with Rotation, C. Insert Block Table and Fill It Up, D. Test the Block Table Action
Tutorial 8: Chaining Actions [2010], A. Open Block Editor with a Dynamic Block, B. Add a Parameter to an Action’s Selection Set, C. Turn On the Chain Property, D. Test the Chain Action
Appendix A - Catalog of Sample Dynamic Blocks
Appendix B - Comprehensive System Variable Reference Summary of System Variables
Block Editor Settings, SysVars External to Block Editor, BlockEditor System Variable, BlockEditLock System Variable, GripDynColor System Variable, SysVars Internal to Block Editor, BActionBarMode System Variable [2010], BActionColor System Variable, BConStatusMode System Variable [2010], DependencyHighlight System Variable, BGripObjColor System Variable, BGripObjSize System Variable, BlockTestWindow System Variable [2010], BParameterColor System Variable, BParameterFont System Variable, BParameterSize System Variable, BtMarkDisplay System Variable, BPTextHorizontal System Variable [2010], BVMode System Variable