Published November 2005; $720
The organization behind the IntelliCAD software is unique in the computer-aided design industry, consisting of a consortium to update the source code and provide some marketing support, and members who sell the software on a nonexclusive basis. The common goal of the IntelliCAD Technical Consortium and its members is to create something that is DWG compatible named IntelliCAD.
This research paper examines this unique arrangement for a software product conflicted by divergent goals:
1. To be compatible with AutoCAD, yet be different from AutoCAD.
2. To be a single source of IntelliCAD, yet differentiate products based on it.
Hence: IntelliCAD, the un-AutoCAD.
This research paper was prepared by upFront.reSearch, an imprint of upFront.eZine Publishing, Ltd. upFront.reSearch has also prepared papers for Autodesk, Graphisoft, IMAGINiT Technologies, IMSI/Design, and SolidWorks.
"An excellent read."
- Scott Hucke
Project Implementation Management Professional
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Table of Contents: IntelliCAD, the Un-AutoCAD
Chapter 1 — Structure of IntelliCAD Technical Consortium and Its Members
Purpose of ITC’s Structure, IntelliCAD Sales, Member Relations, Code Fragmentation, Related Technologies, ArchT, Arms-Length Relationships, Future of ITC, Short Term, Intermediate Term, Long Term
2 — IntelliCAD Market and Competitors
Market, Low Prices Undefine Markets, Banging Up Against the Competition, The IntelliCAD Market, Competitors, AutoCAD LT (Autodesk), TurboCAD (IMSI), PowerCAD (Graebert / GiveMePower), MicroStation PowerDraft (Bentley Systems), VDraft (SoftSource)
3 — Impact of OpenDWG
Open Design Alliance, OpenDWG vs RealDWG, Proprietary vs Open, Open Drawings — Not Yet, The Partial OpenDWG Solution, Open Trumps Real, The OpenDWG Problem, OpenDWG for IntelliCAD, Open Design Alliance Members
4 — Future IntelliCAD Releases and Directions
Future Releases, Release Philosophy, IntelliCAD v6.2, IntelliCAD v6.3, IntelliCAD v7.0, Future Directions, Windows 2007 aka Vista, Does 64-bit CAD Make Sense for IntelliCAD?, Other Operating Systems, Other Platforms, Other Opportunities
Appendix A — AutoCAD Compatibility
Shared Similarities, Commands and System Variables, Command Name Differences, Additional IntelliCAD Commands, Additional IntelliCAD System Variables, Commands Enhanced in IntelliCAD, AutoCAD Commands Missing from IntelliCAD, Customizing and Programming IntelliCAD, Reading and Writing DWG Files, Folder Structure, IntelliCAD-AutoCAD Dictionary
Appendix B — Details of ITC-Member Relationship
ITC Staff, ITC Members, Membership Growth and Revenues, Commercial Members, Candidate Commercial Members, API Membership, ITC Membership List, Commercial Members, API Members
Appendix C — History of IntelliCAD
Appendix D — FTC Consent Order and Complaint
Text of the Consent Order, Order, Text of the Complaint