The twitteratti had their bags of popcorn out upon the news that the board of OpenAI asked the former ceo to be the reinstated ceo. Here are some of the best ones:
"Sam Altman returning to OpenAI after a day is like Steve Jobs returning to Apple after 12 years, but for the TikTok generation."
- @mattturck
"reinforcement learning from human feedback"
- @ryxcommar
"'Hey Ilya, it's Satya. If you want those Azure credits to work on Monday, we're going to need Sam back'."
- kantrowitz
"Anyway, he's gonna be INSUFFERABLE if they bring him back. He already has this weird A.I. Christ martyrdom thing going on -- it's gonna get much worse."
- @teroterotero
And from LinkedIn:
"Breaking news: San Francisco is running out of popcorn. State of emergency soon."
- Yurii Filipchuk