With the fired OpenAI ceo now an employee of Microsoft, along with about 100 of his mates, I'll be interested to watch how long the serial entrepreneur lasts inside the corporate behemoth. Meanwhile on Twitter, staff and commentators have some bitterness to float:
@bradlightcap (COO OpenAI): "OpenAI is nothing without its people."
@miramurati (CTO OpenAI): "OpenAI is nothing without its people."
@danbarker: "OpenAI's board gave themselves the prime duty to 'protect humanity' from AI, but seem to have ended up inadvertently handing much control of that to Microsoft."
@joe_darko: "By the way, [OpenAI ex-ceo] Sam and [OpenAI ex-co-founder] Greg joining Microsoft is odd and I believe it's a deal in place to save Microsoft for the time being. The market would have reacted negatively on Monday. Time will tell."
@krzyzanowskim: "Not that significant. OpenAI employees: Ready to do the Microsoft Interview process that takes 3-6 months if not ghosted? Only to be rejected because internal hire is a better fit."
@calikasia: "Sam and Greg, you are welcome to work from the GitHub office."
@zengjiajun_eth: "Maybe we will soon realize that OpenAI overhired."
@localghost: "Sam, with 0% equity in OpenAI, now works for the organization that owns 49% of OpenAI."
@benhylak: "Did [Microsoft ceo] satya just aquihire openai for $0?"
@tprstly: "Notice that Satya says 'Microsoft stays committed to OpenAI,' meaning 'We'll continue to provide them with Azure services until they're no longer useful to us'.”
@jordanschnyc: "So all ilya did was steal billions from openai employees and hand it to MSFT shareholders."
@derivatives_ape: "Secondary market for OpenAI shares is quickly going to zero. People are trying to exit at an extremely fast pace, current trading price is at $20b valuation. The last round was at a $90 billion valuation, and only a week ago, shares were trading at $50 billion. This is crazy."
@iamstan: "Satya's next board meeting is going to be interesting.
Board: 'So we invested $13B into OpenAI, didn't get a board seat, and now we're about to invest how much to build a competitor to OpenAI to hedge the $13B investment we already made?'"
@rmnth: "Like it's said, Altman never dies, it just moves from one body to another."
@elonmusk: "Now they will have to use Teams!"
@schmrypto: "Don't worry, guys. The company that made Windows Vista is on top of this AI safety problem! 2BC (Before Clippy killed us all)."
@amaldorai: "How did Satya Nadella recruit Sam Altman and Greg Brockman to Microsoft as W-2 employees, when they could have literally done anything they wanted?
"I think the answer is training data. Microsoft has access to more training data than any company in the world, far more than is available on the public Internet. If a company's IT administrator clicks 'Turn on Microsoft AI' and every employee's clickstream, keystrokes, emails, Teams messages, and even Slack messages (from the OS layer) gets sucked into the model.
"No other company can give that to Sam and Greg, and that might be what did it for them."
Source: https://www.techmeme.com/231120/p3#a231120p3