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Oct 11, 2021



Sorry to break it to you. But while the cable might be to blame, the resolution really isn't the problem.
You have around 5 million pixels (3440x1440). This is well short of 4Ks 8.2 million pixels (3840x2160). Troubleshooting with other computers cables and monitors might be the way forward. But you are definitely not anywhere near 5k pixel numbers. Congrats to the wide screen though. I am running an acer predator X34 for years with the same resolution as yours and it has been a joy.


It should be something else. That monitor is not 5K, but something like 3.5K. 4K means, that the horizontal number of pixels are ~4000: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4K_resolution

4K is officially 3840 × 2160 = 8 294 400 pixels. Your monitor is 3440 x 1440 = 4 953 600 pixels. So it has less pixels than a 4K monitor, so the mac should handle it.

I suspect the problem is the cable or some software settings. For non hdr, 60Hz data you need at least a HDMI 1.4 cable. If you want higher framerate or hdr than you will need even newer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HDMI#Main_specifications

I don't know macs, but I have a similar 21:9 monitor, and if I plug in computers randomly a lot of them can't detect its settings. So maybe you manually have to set up resolution, and it will work.


I always knew that at tech support most workers are usually absolutely incompetent, and they have no idea what they speaking about. Here is an article about how to set custom resolutions on a mac, yes 3440x1440 as well: https://www.alphr.com/custom-resolution-mac-osx/

The trick: you have to hold option... I'm not a fan of Mac, but i'm even not a bigger fan of official tech support. In my life I never had any success solving any problems except product replacement. They just copy paste the same basic troubleshooting guides, usually they don't even read your question... if they are human at all. It's possible that a bot was reading your question, they saw you mentioned acer and they automatically redirected you. Contacting tech support should be your last option, ask on some tech forums or on reddit and they can help you better usually.

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