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Jan 23, 2021


Ricardo Cruz

Great article,
Took me into a journey to the past. I remember pretty well those pen plotters, the time they took to print, and how they loved to crash (pen or paper) just close to the end and forcing us to repeat the whole process.
Until the moment that appeared the powerfull HP designjet 650C (if not mistaken), and nothing more was the same...

Ralph Grabowski

Pen plotters were horrible and slow, but the technology with the best price-performance of the time. Electrostatic plotters were faster and more reliable, but horrifically expensive.

Ian McGregor

Memories of getting my AutoCAD hatch spacing vs pen thickness wrong (usually a factor of ten!) and coming to pick up my plot half an hour later only to find a soggy mess of a series of holes through the paper.

Sam Hochberg

Back in the one-stop-shopping turnkey-CAD-system VAR world then, I've set up my share of Calcomps, HIs, and these very same HPs. It was not far from my personal vision of purgatory. You're right, the HPs were a better design, but not without their flaws (how a pen could be knocked out of its carousel and fall down the legs, requiring disassembly to retrieve, was a favorite). Setting up your software to center the plot in such a way so no border edges would be clipped was a sort of black art. It was a case of the tail wagging the dog as frequently the user's border would have to be resized from industry standard due to the space needed by the rollers. Thanks for the wonderful memories (kidding)!

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