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Oct 23, 2020


Randall Scott Newton

I've been a happy Chromebook user since 2015. When I bought a new desk computer in 2018, I limited my search to Mac mini and Chromebox. I went with Mac because I found a great deal on a fully upgradeable 2012. Today there are times when I wished I had gone with a Chromebox. I use browser-based software 90 percent of the time, and I synch everything to Google Drive, not iCloud. I can even access my Mac desktop from Drive.

Dietmar Rudolph

Why don't you simply replace the erratic Windows 10 with a stable
LINUX system?

Ralph Grabowski

I have pretty much given up on Linux systems. I've been struggling with them since the late 1990s. For me, they always seem to be 'just around the corner' in what I need them to do. My most recent foray was trying to get Linux working on ChomeOS -- as an intellectual exercise, but I see no need for it otherwise.

The only time I use Linux now is to fire it up through VirtualBox to check out the UI and functions a CAD program. Heh, the same applies to my Mac Mini.

All my other Windows systems are stable and the programs I run on Windows run my business.

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