Growth, growth, growth
Taking in CIMdata PLMNews' Webinar "The State of the PLM Economy" this morning with Stan Przybylinski.
Stan reminding us that PLM is different for different industries. Companies that make automobiles don't care about the problems toothpaste makers face. Hexagon AB is of greater interest now that they no longer only make measuring devices. They have a strong position on the shop floor, says Mr Przybylinski.
Siemens PLM working on "generative engineering": generative design that will eventually be applied to more than just single parts, but to entire sub-systems in mechanical and electronic designs.
In part, this is to support all the tech they've acquired for autonomous autos.
Last year's revenues:
- Multi-discipline MCAD = $3.7 billion (like high-end @PTC_Creo )
- Design-focused MCAD = $2.8 billion (like @Solidworks, low-end Creo)
- CAM without CAD bundled in = $1.4 billion
- AEC CAD = $3.6 billion
Many more billions in other areas of CAD. Where CAD vendors get their revenues from:
Big changes in IT affecting CAD:
- Changes in license models, affects revenue flows
- Cloud changing how IT is maintained
- Mobile changing types of engagement
The other big impact is the heaving (my term) fluctuation changes in currency exchange rates.
Acquisitions over the last year:
Pages 2, 3, and 4 of acquisitions. I did not know Siemens PLM had acquired Lightwork Design.
Q: How is Microsoft Azure vs. AWS playing out in the PLM space?
A: The adoption of PLM on the cloud to date is still a small percentage of the overall comprehensive cPDm segment based on our market estimates. More practically, many of the leading players are partnering with AWS and Azure, and some with both.
Q: What is the role of cloud computing platforms like AWS in the future?
A: Most of the existing solutions are available on the cloud in some form, from hosted to single tenant to multi-tenant. Some providers have stated that the increasing availability of new services from providers like AWS is decreasing the amount of new services they need to develop in-house to provide their complete solution. Going forward, there are emerging providers that are assembling their complete solutions from services offered by the cloud service providers, e.g., FusePLM.
Q: As you described CAM as standalone, is the Simulation and Analysis (S&A) number standalone or included tools owned by DS, PTC, Siemens?
A: We have separate estimates for all of the Tool categories for Dassault Systèmes, PTC, and Siemens, including CAM and S&A.
Q: In what category do you count software for PLM collaboration?
A: Depending on the provider, it could be in either comprehensive cPDm or focused cPDm applications.
Q: Are you aware of any major customers of Dassault Systèmes not wanting to upgrade to V6 due to architecture changes and migration concerns?
A: Yes.
Q: Will you include takeaways regarding PLM in the F&B industry?
A: CIMdata does consulting in companies interested in formulation PLM, including Food and Beverage (F&B). Some of the key issues facing that space are
- Food safety, much in the news, particularly in emerging economies where they may not have many digital tools. This goes to both formulation and packaging.
- Packaging itself is a huge issue as products go more global.
- Access to global specifications for large F&B companies is a huge issue. Many companies use single instance solutions that can be hard to access from far-flung factories and value-chain partners. A minute or two delay means a lot of out-of-spec product.
Q: Do you think ANSYS is a competitive bidder to purchase PTC?
A: They could be. They are about the same size. To date, ANSYS has been more focused on the S&A [simulation and anaylsis] space and maintaining good partnerships with all of the tools players. Combining ANSYS and PTC puts more co-opetition in play, much more complex.
Q: Are we at or close to a tipping point for Cloud PLM to takeoff in the market? Which industries in particular are advancing quickest?
A: There are certainly more people expressing interest and more solutions available. I would point you to our cloud PLM study last year on for more information. The full whitepaper may be downloaded at Non-discrete industries are moving faster. Their IP is less bulky and complex. Among the discrete it is more about supply chain and BOM, like high tech electronics than those wanting to manage engineering work in process.
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