Discovery Live delayed
Each quarter, executives from shareholder-owned companies have to face financial analysts in public, and talk about the last three months and a little bit of what to expect for the future. Here is what PTC execs told them. One significant item was that ANSYS Discovery Live is delayed being integrated into Creo to customers by half a year,
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PTC reports fiscal year 2018 revenues of $1,252 million.
While IoT [Internet of things] didn't quite surpass PLM [product lifecyle management] in the full fiscal 2018, it was close and we expect IoT to handily surpass PLM to become our second largest source of bookings in fiscal 2019.
It took significant development work to build ANSYS's real-time simulation technology into Creo, but the project is on schedule and the initial launch of a version of Creo that has ANSYS Discovery Live simulation embedded will happen in the first quarter. Broader commercial shipments to the entire customer base will start in the second quarter.
We plan to integrate the full breadth of the ANSYS simulation suite into Creo over time.
We raised subscription prices by 5% on Oct 1. Our industry does tend to raise prices every year. [We] introduced new pricing and packaging for Creo, which gives us an opportunity frankly to drive people to higher price points and raise the overall average price of a Creo seat.