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Apr 30, 2018


Joe Doe

So there's way too much to unpack here but l take just put it this way....this is never going to happen there's just too much competition to say the least and specifically speaking Solidworks has been slow to reach to the market and what they currently offer is a far cry from others in the same space. OnShape or F360 aren't current SW killers but then again neither was SW when it first hit in '95. In fact if you want to take that trajectory then it was easily 10 years before SW even became the industry standard and had enough to offer Pro/e users a viable alternative.

X -Drive or Solidworks running in the cloud on frame aren't even close to those other guys out there. And let's not talk about coming late to the game when it comes to TopOp.... The SW of today is much like the PTC of the '90s. Also pound for pound I'd even put Solidedge ahead of SW in some areas of parametric vs direct.

I'd give Pixologic with Zbrush or Blender a shot at that before Solidworks...(I jest....) But I many respects you don't see SW users having the same level of ferverent and unrelenting love for it like these two software. One cost $800 with free upgrades the is free (put that in your forced annual maintenance pipe SW). Hell I've seen companies standardize on Sketch Up.

Keep in mind I'm a SW fan but I'm also a realist and pragmatic. Unless SW branches out, diversify into more than just the engineering market (ie VFX, VR/AR, real TopOp for metal AM and also come out with a real completive pricing structure) then a billion dollars they never will see....

Lou James

I don't see it either. The user base has not quite figured it out yet, but SW CAD is more or less running in place from a development standpoint over the last 8 years or so. Dassault is clearly investing their R&D elsewhere - Enovia PLM and CGM based apps like Industrial Designer, Mechanical Conceptual, and now XDesign. XDesign will not take off either since most of the SW user base is not looking for a "bridge to 3DExperience" as Bassi hopes. Dassault is just dying to get out of licensing Parasolid from Siemens.

Sooner or later, these failed development projects will come back to bite. As with other software, cloud-based CAD will bring tons of advantages. Not going to list them out, since Bassi openly admits this. But there will continue to be tension within SW between legacy and new platform advocates, not to mention keeping the VAR base happy. And a house divided will not be able to keep up with players like Onshape, Siemens, and maybe other newcomers, who are marching to clearer targets.

Ralph Grabowski

It was fascinating to observe the disconnect of the Solidworks CEO spending most of his keynote speech at Solidworks World 2018 showing off a suite of non-Solidworks programs in front of the 5,000 Solidworks users.

Fred Fredrick

Cloud isn't the answer, if you've ever worked on something sufficiently complex even server drive latency can be problematic let alone a network connection. The draw is for the bean counters, the engineers and designers suffer under a cloud based CAD. Cloud is fine for hobbyists.

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