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Nov 07, 2017


Leo Schlosberg

Rene writes "I don't believe in pre-cooked systems containing endless structured data models. Each data model is very discipline-specific: an architect's view is completely different to that of the janitor. The structure of a BIM has to fit the specific needs of the parties involved in the project."
AMEN. The janitor and the facility manager are among the last consumers/users of the model. To go from model to building there are a multitude of trades with their own specific views (and alterations/elaborations) to the model.

Rene writes "I expect that the main obstacle to BIM is that the party who has to fill the majority of the BIM, the architect, is also the one who has the least gain from using it -- meaning architects are not being paid to fill a project BIM properly."
They are neither being paid nor can they possibly have the trade-specific knowledge to fill a BIM so it is a model you can build directly from. And anyone who thinks we are close to having sufficient intelligence in the software is both extremely optimistic and quite ignorant of the real-world complexity of buildings. We will get much closer but it will be slow and difficult.

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