ARES Kudo is Graebert's CAD software that runs in Web browsers. They've been talking about it, showing it for several years now, but over the last year it became available in a roll-out method.
Getting 2D CAD to work fast in a Web browser is a challenge and so Graebert got the DWG load process to speed up by 4x to 5x recently. But more performance improvements are to be expected in the next year.
Here are the functions that Graebert is working on:
- Support for storing files on Microsoft OneDrive
- Support for accessing files stored by Trimble and by Onshape
- Trial versions
- Opening files from Autodesk Revit and Microstation DGN, plus other non-DWG formats in the future
- Thumbnails for the file manager
- Simultaneous editing, where two people running Kudo in separate browsers can work on the same drawing at the same time
- Enterprise version
- Integration into other software, such as facilities manager, with custom branding
- REST API for accessing drawing structure and thumbnails
- Annotations