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Jan 10, 2017



As a happy user of the Hp Spectre X360 after a year and a half. I have to spread the word that this doesnt make me miss mi former MacbookPro. I have to recognize that in the beginning, when i went to purchase - not - the HP Spectre X360 to my local retailer, i went looking for a newer MacBook Pro. But checking with the HP representative, by the moment, i looked the HP Spectre more appealing and less expensive. Was a bet by the time, i didnt even know about Windows 10, but i trusted my guts (and the sales representative) now after a year and a half, and more than happy with my core i5 256 GB HP. I definitely recommend it, it has more ports , gets touch screen and sounds good with music. Is really light and yes, people confuses it with a Mac, and after i explain them, they seem curious about that "nice PC computer". Last comment: after that time, the speed continues being very good, event though is 4GB RAM. With every Windows update seems to gain power... weird, but true.

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