Reliability models
Proposed emergency office, as envisioned by some, not being my cup of coffee (image source
upFront.eZine @upFronteZine Nov 2: A reader writes: "...The cloud model, which I despise and think will fail soon. Everything is being hacked and all of it is porous."
upFront.eZine @upFronteZine Nov 2: I've said it before, and I'll be saying again: DO NOT upgrade to Windows 10 (unless forced to). It breaks too much software. My #1 job is...
upFront.eZine @upFronteZine Nov 2: to be productive, not follow the whims of someone inside Microsoft, Inc. who knows neither us nor our needs.
Joe Dunne @jdunneCAD Nov 2: @upFronteZine Kind of the whole point of cloud based products isn't it? They don't break. Why should users spend anytime on issues like this?
upFront.eZine @upFronteZine Nov 2: Desktop software doesn't break and runs in perpetuity. Cloud software runs at the whim of the ISP, the vendor, the quality of the intertubes.
al dean @alistardean Nov 2: @jdunneCAD @upFronteZine Case in point. Workstation died recently. New one in 48 hours. Fibre went down. That was a two week fix. Two. Weeks
upFront.eZine @upFronteZine Nov 2: Last time Internet went down for me, it was for five days, last year. Cause: corroded wire terminals along the street.
upFront.eZine @upFronteZine Nov 2: Last time workstation went down for me: 1996. Hard drive died. I follow Google's advice: always leave computer on, to avoid thermal stress.
Joe Dunne @jdunneCAD Nov 2: @alistardean @upFronteZine Al, last time I checked Onshape users to not worry about whether Onshape is going to "work" after OS upgrade.
al dean @alistardean Nov 2: @jdunneCAD @upFronteZine Ha. Yup. Fair. What about browser upgrades? No?
upFront.eZine @upFronteZine Nov 3: Web browser is the OS of software like Onshape. Not all browsers are supported, perhaps not our favorite one.
Joe Dunne @jdunneCAD Nov 3: @alistardean @upFronteZine I see and you went 2 weeks with no email? no Twitter? no communication? come on.
al dean @alistardean Nov 2: @jdunneCAD @upFronteZine Not in the workshop. Cell only.
Joe Dunne @jdunneCAD Nov 3: @alistardean @upFronteZine Use Cell in a pinch, or find a Starbucks :) kidding.. kind of. lots of options.
upFront.eZine @upFronteZine Nov 3: Cell phone only, and my cell plan is not set up for lots of data (100MB per month).
upFront.eZine @upFronteZine Nov 3: Desktop software doesn't require me to relocate to Starbucks (which I don't like) or engage in 'lots of options'. I get to work in my office.