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Nov 14, 2016



Cute, but don't really see the point of compromising to get a small form factor with a desktop machine.

Ralph Grabowski

Hence my question to HP: how does the nVidia graphics get upgraded.(Their response: replace the motherboard, which means it won't happen.)

Prior to unveiling this new workstation, they did a prelude presentation that there are 2.9 million CAD users without a workstation. So I guess they figure that's their market.

I can see it as a secondary computer. I have a second Windows desktop on a side table -- an all-in-one that can't be upgraded, which is useful to do things when my primary computer is occupied.

PC World suggests that this is HP attacking Apple's Mini Mac, which I also have as an unobtrusive Mac, which I need to use only once in a while. It shares the monitor with the all-in-one.

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