It's in the gaming software
I only ever buy keyboards and mice from Logitech, because the quality is excellent and I know what to expect. SetPoint, right? 'Tis not the case for its G-series keyboards, where the G is short for Gaming.
With SetPoint not available for these keyboards, it becomes harder to turn off irritants like CapsLock. But it is not impossible, just more work, because G-series keyboards let you turn off any and all keys!
Here's what I did:
- Started the Logitech Gaming Software. Yah, that's the generic name for its keyboard utility program.
- Click on Game Mode Settings icon.
3. Now you can click which ever keys you want turned off. The ones that are off show in gray. I turned off CapsLock and the Ins key, as I am forever accidentally hitting it as well. "Games Mode" also turns off the Windows and Menu keys; you have no choice.
4. Exit the software; there is no need to "save."
A further flexibility is that the G610 keyboard has a Games Mode button. This impressive sounding name merely turns on and off the keys you have disabled. When lit, the disabled keys don't work; when unlit, they return to working.
This, I found, is actually useful. For instance, you need to type a ransom note in ALL CAPS; turns off Games Mode, turn on CapsLock, and away you go.
Games Mode forces the Windows key off; there is one instance in which I use it: together with the cursor keys, I sometimes park windows at the edge of the screen. By turning off Games Mode temporarily I get access back to the Windows key.