It's not Dassault or Autodesk
PTC ceo James Heppelmann this week answered a question from a financial analyst about the company's changing head count:
I know that maybe behind your question, there's questions like, "Are we spending enough money on CAD?" Sometimes I laugh, because companies I think about a lot are companies like Onshape. I say, "How many developers they have -- 20, 30 maybe?" I mean, I "only" have 400.
So I'm worried about somebody who has substantially fewer resources; I'm worried because they might be innovating more.
So then I ask my question, "I'm not going to win the battle by putting the largest army on the field; I'm going to win the battle by innovating more." Now we're back to portfolio management: is it better to write a line of code in Vuforia or in Creo? They're all 3D products.
So, let's look for the way to innovate most, and we can – like I said, we can aim to innovate and grow without aiming to get fat in the process.