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Jan 08, 2016


David Colbourne

Ralph, Why not go old school. Draw the first line and add points to each end, Scribe a circle where r = D2, rotate the first line through the relative angle, extend/trim to the circle, Add a new point to the end of the line and repeat. You will have to join the points when your done


Just copy rotate your previous segment. Draw a circle with radius the correct distance, trim/extend and repeat.

Rande Robinson

In MicroStation the AccuDraw tool handles it.


Two words: Dimensional Constraints.

But I agree, a quicker way to draw a line at a relative angle to the previous line would be handy. And not everyone enjoys working with Dimensional Constraints...

Hello :)

Can Bricscad do it?


Microstation AccuDraw is the best drawing aid I've ever seen.


The answer is to use AutoCAD Civil 3D and use the transparent commands 'AD (Angle Distance). After all this is a surveying and civil engineering problem so why not use the applicable solution provided by Autodesk?


Copy-rotate (as another Steve said earlier). I've done this for 20 years.

Paul munford

Set the polar tracking to 'relative to last' ?

Jason Bourhill

Use GRIPS with Rotate Copy option.

Next you'll be asking why they have never created a dimension style suitable for surveyors (bearing distance etc..)

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