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Dec 21, 2015


George Berold

I totally agree with you. I will never buy another Lenovo for the same reason - in short Support.
My Lenovo laptop had a dvd read/write which stopped working. Since it was under guarantee I took it to the Lenovo company to get it replaced (5 minutes work).
3 weeks later it still had not been done. This laptop I relied on for most of my work. It took them 5 weeks to replace the dvd.
Never again - For the same problem I had with Dell - they sent a technician who replaced the device in 5 minutes.


It has to be thing Think* range from Lenovo, or nothing. The rest is just 'consumer' grade, doesn't even try to be quality.

R.K. McSwain

They shipped me a unit with a faulty Wifi. Not a problem, I understand there are hardware failures. But (A) They did not have a replacement in stock (really?) and (B) the refund process took a few weeks AFTER the laptop was verified to have been received by Lenovo's return department. Strange how when you make a purchase, your credit card it charged immediately, but a refund takes weeks.

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