I've put together a whitepaper on the status of CAD running on mobile devices, like Android tablets. It's titled "MobileCAD is Reaching Maturity," and it is available today.
Eight chapters, three appendices, 40 figures, and 15,000 words!
The 56-page whitepaper has a list price of $56, but you can get it free just by subscribing to upFront.eZine, the newsletter that for 20 years has reported on the business of CAD.
Subscribe by simply sending an email to [email protected]. Expect to see your copy of the whitepaper in a day or two in your email box, as a 5MB PDF file.
To see what upFront.eZine is all about, you can view all 800+ back issues going back to May 1995 at our archival site www.upfrontezine.com.
About "MobileCAD is Reaching Maturity"
The whitepaper is a collection of interviews with key industry executives, illustrated walk-throughs of apps, and technical tips. Some of the material previously appeared in the upFront.eZine newsletter and the WorldCAD Access weblog.
New for this whitepaper is a survey of 50+ CAD apps: the number of downloads (a sign of their popularity) and when they were last updated (a sign of vendor commitment).
Here's the table of contents:
1 I’m Declaring Peak MobileCAD, For Now Anyhow
2 What the Future of Smartphones Looks Like (and of Tablets, Too)
3 Who Today Are the Top Three MobileCAD Vendors?
4 Why Graebert is Going Mobile Now, Cloud Later
5 Rethinking CAD on Mobile
6 Q&A with Graebert on MobileCAD Design
7 ArcSite: First MobileCAD To Draw With Real-time Constraints
8 How Much Tablet Can You Get for $200?
A Android Tips
B Android App Statistics
C Choosing an Android on Specs