The census says 115
I've written close to 200 books; what are they? Here is the list of (nearly) all e-books I've written. (The remainder are paper-based books.) Not in the list are bespoke editions, about two dozen e-books I've written for specific clients. Together, this makes the total of e-books written around 115.
My very first e-book was "Tailoring AutoCAD," written for AutoCAD 2000 around that year. The e-book began as a series of articles I wrote for AutoCAD World, a now-defunct tabloid-style magazine. They called the column "Tailoring AutoCAD." The editor returned me the copyright on my articles after 3 months, and so I began posting them on my Web site.The column went on for a couple of years.
A reader one day asked if I would collate all of the columns into a single book, so as to make it easier to download the PDF files. As a result, in 2002 my first e-book was born. Thirteen years later, the most popular e-book of all proved to be Tailoring Dynamic Blocks 2010.
On to the list:
- Animations With AutoCAD
- Animations With AutoCAD 2012
- BricsCAD for AutoCAD Users
- BricsCAD V10 for AutoCAD Users
- BricsCAD V11 for AutoCAD Users
- BricsCAD V12 for AutoCAD users
- BricsCAD V13 For AutoCAD users
- BricsCAD V14 For AutoCAD users
- CAD Manager's Guidebook: Rough Edition
- Command Reference AutoCAD 2013: Rough Edition
- Customizing BricsCAD V10
- customizing BricsCAD v11
- Customizing BricsCAD V12
- Customizing BricsCAD V13
- Customizing BricsCAD V14
- Customizing BricsCAD V15
- Customizing BricsCAD V8
- Customizing BricsCAD V9
- Inside AutoCAD 2006
- Inside AutoCAD LT 2006, Vol 1
- Inside AutoCAD LT 2006, Vol 2
- Inside BricsCAD V13
- Inside BricsCAD V13
- Inside BricsCAD V14
- Inside BricsCAD V15
- Inside General CADD Pro 1
- Inside Generic CADD 6
- Inside IntelliCAD 2009
- Inside IntelliCAD 5
- Inside IntelliCAD 6
- Inside Visio 2002
- IntelliCAD: The Un AutoCAD (white paper)
- Learn BricsCAD V10 in a Day
- Learn BricsCAD V11 in a Day
- Learn BricsCAD V12 in a Day
- Learn BricsCAD V8 In A Day
- Learn BricsCAD V9 in a Day
- Mlines & Splines
- Quick Reference AutoCAD 2014 Update
- Render With AutoCAD 2011-12
- Tailoring AutoCAD
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2004
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2004 Workbook Edition
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2005
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2006
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2007
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2008
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2009
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2010
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2011-12
- Tailoring AutoCAD 2012 for Mac and Windows
- Tailoring AutoCAD CUI
- Tailoring AutoCAD CUI 2008
- Tailoring AutoCAD CUI 2009
- Tailoring AutoCAD CUI 2010
- Tailoring AutoCAD LT 2004-2005
- Tailoring AutoCAD Render
- Tailoring AutoCAD Rendering 2008
- Tailoring AutoLISP DCL Diesel
- Tailoring CUI for AutoCAD 2011-12
- Tailoring CUI for AutoCAD 2013
- Tailoring Dynamic Blocks
- Tailoring Dynamic Blocks 2009
- Tailoring Dynamic Blocks 2010
- Tailoring IntelliCAD
- Tailoring IntelliCAD 2009
- Tailoring IntelliCAD 4
- Tailoring IntelliCAD 5
- Tailoring IntelliCAD 6
- Tailoring QuickCalc
- Tailoring Visio 2002
- Tailoring Visual Styles
- The Russian MCAD Market (white paper)
- TurboCAD 4 AutoCAD Users
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2005
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2006
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2006 LT
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2007
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2008
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2008
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2009
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2009
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2010
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2010
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2011
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2012
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2013
- What's Inside AutoCAD 2014
- What's Inside AutoCAD for Mac
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All of these ebooks are available for sale through my sales portal, eBooks.onLine at