upFront.eZine issue #855
During its pre-launch marketing, Onshape indicated they had partnered with a company to provide the drawings component. Last week, the surprise supplier named was Graebert of Germany, better known for its AutoCAD workalike called ARES and supplier to Dassault Systemes of its DraftSight DWG editor (among other OEM versions).
Let me explain the four products I am going to be talking about in this article:
Onshape = browser-based 3D MCAD software written by Onshape
ARES = desktop 2D/3D CAD written by Graebert
Xenon = browser-based 2D/3D CAD software written by Graebert
Onshape Drawings = 2D annotation module based on Xenon
All About Xenon, Graebert's DWG-based CloudCAD
Exclusive interview by Ralph Grabowski with Robert Graebert
You can read all about the business of CAD at http://www.worldcadaccess.com/upfrontezine/2015/04/855.html.