from Senic GmbH
Tobias Eichenwald wrote last week to give me an early look at his company's new controller, named Flow. Like a 3D mouse, it is designed to work with your existing 2D mouse. Unlike the 3D mice from, say, 3Dconnexion, this one has no buttons.
(Important: this input device is not available yet, and is dependent on funding from an IndieGOGO campaign that begins today.)
The puck-like device is used by rotating it and tapping on areas of the white top. It connects through Bluetooth (not available on most desktops, however), has an API, and can be customized by end users for specific applications -- 30 at last count, including Rhino and AutoCAD. It is expected to ship in June, be manufactured in Germany, with early backers paying as little as $79.
The best thing is to visit the Web page and see how it works through videos.
I was quite excited when I read this article, but quickly disappointed with the product video. I think I'll be sticking with AutoHotkey.
Posted by: David | Nov 24, 2014 at 12:19 PM
The product video demonstrated this is not the product for me.
I used to use a 16-button digitizer, but it's long since dead. Gaming gear to the rescue! Gamers are after speed and don't want to take their eyes off the action - just like CAD users. I'm using a Logitech G700S gaming mouse (12 buttons), G13 Gaming keypad (32 buttons) along with a 3DConnexion Space Explorer (15 buttons). That's 56 more buttons than a 3-button mouse. Why all the buttons you ask?
Perhaps I'm a bit odd, but I think I visualize the model using the same part of my brain as graphic recognition. If I'm looking for an icon, and visualize it, it is like having the model swap from RAM to virtual memory at times. As such, I can fly with AutoCAD, as I learned to type my commands ages ago. By using the G13 gaming keypad, I can get a lot of sketch-building commands assigned as a single key click. When I'm out of the sketch, I reach for the Space Explorer. The mouse is configured with keys common to both modes. This works pretty darn well.
Posted by: Ken Elliott | Nov 24, 2014 at 02:23 PM