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Sep 18, 2014


Julian Hardy

You said:

"I predict that the new under $200 Windows 8 tablets will run poorly, because they have to use slow components to keep the price down."

It's not necessarily so. I recently bought a Toshiba Encore 8" Windows 8.1 tablet - it's just about the cheapest Windows tablet available in Australia at the moment. (Available for AU$249 in main-street "bricks and mortar" retailers, and probably even cheaper if you shop around.) Note that this is the original "Series 1" Encore, not the newer Series 2.

My WEI scores are:

Processor: 6.3
Memory (RAM): 5.5
Graphics: 4.1
Desktop Graphics: 4.1
Primary Hard Drive: 7.0

Overall: 4.1

Not bad for a cheap tablet!

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