Answer! And win a tablet, maybe
Jon Peddie Research is conducting a survey to better understand how people work in multi-CAD environments. They would like to know how you work with DWG files and the issues you encounter preserving data integrity.
Can you take ten minutes to fill in their survey with your experiences? Here is the link: (I answered it, and it took like 4 minutes.) This will help them understand how yuo and others work with DWG data. (Your answers remain confidential, and are seen publically only as part of compiled responses to the survey.)
At the conclusion of the survey (May 23rd), eleven prizes will be handed out, selected at random, should you provide them with your email address:
- One of two Apple iPad Air tablets
- Or one of two Microsoft Surface Pro2 tablets
- Or one of two Samsung Galaxy Note 10 tablets
- Or one of five one-year subscriptions to their bi-weekly newsletter, TechWatch