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Apr 10, 2014


Brad Holtz, Cyon Research

This is not a slam dunk for ZWCAD, and a win in here for Autodesk. ZWCAD does block the preliminary injunction but the suit can proceed. Autodesk gets access to ZWCAD’s source code (via a neutral third party).

The judge basically said that you don’t have a case unless you can show me that the infringement happened in the source code. Well now Autodesk gets to look and see if it’s really there.

Ben Chananski

Well that's the best result ZWCAD can ever hope for. On the first look Autodesk did have a very strong case, especially given the track record of copyright infringements in China - to be fair the Chinese guys did a great job in turning the case around.

I personally wish Autodesk loses this one, or else they will eventually go for every workalikes out there, and end users will be the biggest loser.

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