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Feb 17, 2014



Not mentioned; design, engineering, cad, validation, simulation

Ralph Grabowski

As long as an engineer has social, he can let the wisdom of the crowd on Facebook bid to do his designs for him -- or something like that.


Someone should remind Dassault's CEO and SolidWorks CEO that manufacturing will be the last industry on the planet to embrace social. If either had no clue about how slow manufacturing is to embrace modern times, all they need to do is look at the sad fact that CNC machines still use G code for a user interface and that the post processor nightmare is still an unsolved problem.

I'm sure Dassault's CEO and SolidWorks CEO know far more than I do about manufacturing and machining job shops. After all, I've only been involved with machining and manufacturing on a daily basis for well over 20 years.

Jon Banquer
CADCAM Technology Leaders group on LinkedIn


Yes and the Experience will make any cost worth it all.

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