In my line of work, I need my desktop publishing and word processing software to recognize command and system variable names used by AutoCAD. This morning I put together all of them from AutoCAD 2014 into a single zip file, which you can download from here:
The zip file contains the following text files (plain ASCII text, all lower case), which you can import into your document production software's spell checker. Note that I separated the command names into categories, in case you don't want to import them all:
- AutoCAD-2014-commandNames.txt
- AutoCAD-2014-Express-Commands.txt
- AutoCAD-2014-ObosoleteCommands.txt
- AutoCAD-2014-undocumentedcommandNames.txt
- AutoCAD-2014-sysvars.txt
In total, there are 1,867 command and system variable names. (I take no blame, naturally, for omissions. commissions, and missplelings.)
To import the words into InDesign, follow these steps:
- Unzip the file.
- In InDesign, go to the Edit menu, and then choose Spelling.
- In the Spelling submenu, choose Dictionary.
- In the Dictionary dialog box, click Import.
- In the Import dialog box, navigate to the folder holding the .txt file, and then choose one.
- Click Import, and then repeat steps 4-5 for the remaining files
I trust this will be useful to you.