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Jun 21, 2013


Kevin Quigley

Not sure what you are complaining about Ralph. If you only use Indesign why did you buy Master Collection? We have switched from CS5 to Creative Cloud now and we benefit from access to Premier and After Effects which we could not justify buying before.

Also, you actually get 90 days before Adobe turn you off. But the reality is as a business the Creative Cloud offers excellent value. Compared to even the most basic CAD application and the cost of CC is insignificant to a salary cost or premises overhead.

Interestingly Adobe's old arch rival Quark have just announced that you can only upgrade if you are on 1 version back, so this effectively means to stay updated you have to pay annual upgrades. The cost of which is about half the cost of CC. That is 1 app.

I like your thinking that software is "forever". Really? Software is only as good as the hardware you run it on and the OS that hardware supports. My hard drives are full of software that is rarely used because it has become irrelevant to our workflow. Personally, Id rather pay a small amount monthly for something I use a lot that a huge amount for something I use infrequently.

Final word. Your data is yours. You can keep it all on your own hard drives all the time. If you choose not to stay updated, you can always buy it as you need it or save the files in a generic format.

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