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Mar 12, 2013


Jon Banquer

Maybe Dassault should move to the US because they, like other French CADCAM software firms, have no clue how to properly market to US CADCAM users. Maybe what the French really need is serious competition from China to get them to realize just how poor of a job they do in the US. I think they already know this but just don't care. Perhaps the Chinese can make them care.

Jon Banquer
CADCAM Technology Leaders group on LinkedIn

David Levin

Bernard Charles has made very much for development of DS but his words in the interview that it was he who "developed the company from a small structure" obviously contradicts to the article "The DASSAULT SYSTEMES Success Story" http://isicad.net/articles.php?article_num=14120 by Francis Bernard, the founder of DS and inventor of CATIA.

Dave Johnson

My heart bleeds for the poor French executives of DS. I'm sure they will be able to find decent housing that they can afford in Monaco, near Waltham in MA, or near Spatial in CO.

Perhaps they should move to Detroit. That would be a real EXPERIENCE for them.


Perhaps, the Frendch government should wake up before they tax them selves into a country of poor non producers....

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