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Mar 02, 2013


Jason Bourhill

Nor as far as I'm aware can you use fields to have dynamic text, such as reporting the elevation within the line type definition, which would be useful when creating contour lines. Or maybe reflect the layer name.

Cynical thinking is that these things are limited to make the verticals look more desirable.

Ralph Grabowski

Your idea of field text in linetypes is kewl. Wish Autodesk would think of this.

Ron Prepchuk

If you desire more control and capabilities for linetypes in AutoCAD or BricsCAD, take a look at AutoLINE Linetype Manager.
AutoLINE allows users far more control over their linetype appearance than native AutoCAD, and will display linetypes that have never been possible in AutoCAD.
• AutoLINE will draw multiple parallel lines with variable spacing between them
• AutoLINE will use blocks in linetypes, not just shapes (blocks can include wipeout entities)
• Blocks, text or negative dashes can be first in the linetype definition
• AutoLINE will control the width of a line or what text is placed in the line on an entity-by-entity basis
• AutoLINE allows you to include LISP expressions in the linetype definition for greater flexibility
• Plus many more features and benefits for CAD users

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