Graebert's ARES software might be better known to you by names like "DraftSight" and "CorelCAD". This company specializes in providing CAD systems to software companies that don't want to write their own -- kind of like a commercialized version of the IntelliCAD Technical Consortium.
Last Friday Graebert quietly released ARES 2013, and revamped its Web site, and revised its logo, and issued a new tagline -- "Custom CAD" -- to emphasize that they are foremost an OEM business.
ARES 2013 has the usual list of new and improved functions. But there is a bigger change; whereas the original ARES had provided customers with several years of free updates, Graebert has changed the model to (a) annual updates with (b) two mid-release updates per year.
The software is shipping now for several dialects of Linux, for OS X, and for 32- or 64-bit Windows, and is certified to work with Windows 8. $495.
Download a 30-day version from For the official list of changes in ARES 2013, consult
Look for an exclusive interview with Graebert in this Monday's upFront.eZine, along with an exclusive insider's report on Geomagic's new Spark software that encompasses that other cloud. Subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter by sending 'subscribe upfront' to [email protected].
[Disclosure: I write ebooks for Graebert, including 'ARES 2013 for AutoCAD Users' and 'Inside ARES'. Purchase these ebooks from]