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Oct 16, 2012


Kevin De Smet

What about BIM tools like Vico, now I know it tries to treat the notion of time (i.e. the chronological order of construction) as a pretty integral part of what that software has to offer.

I'm not sure if its treatment of time is along the same lines of the revolutionary thought you are brainstorming?

Steve Johnson

Similarly, Autodesk's Navisworks incorporates a time dimension and handles collisions. I'm not sure how what you're proposing differs from what's already out there.

Owen Wengerd

I'm not familiar with Vico and only a little bit familiar with NavisWorks, but as far as I know neither has any capability to manage multiple history branches or to merge simultaneous independent changes.

The "small change" that makes such things possible in my concept is the processing and storage of model changes via small discrete packets along with a back end that can mix and match those packets in different ways when presenting a "view" of the model.


Basically it sounds like you're proposing git for CAD. (git is the popular distributed version control system). And, yes, version control software is extremely helpful if you're a software developer.

Owen Wengerd

Right on Tony. Git for CAD is a good way of putting it, for those who are familiar with Git.

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