Just about the time we get to thinking that 3D Systems aims to be the all-in-one competitor against Autodesk, they spin off Alibre's CAM software.
Now, Alibre CAM was always written by MecSoft, but it was sold by Alibre, and then by 3D Systems after they bought out Alibre.
Now we learn that 3D Systems doesn't want to do that anymore:
Effective October 15, 2012, Alibre CAM, a fully integrated CAM product running inside the Alibre Design family of CAD products, will now be sold and supported directly by MecSoft.
For MecSoft, this fits in, for they already have versions of their CAM software for Rhino. For 3D Systems, not so much.
Unless, of course, 3D Systems has its programming team in Goa busy writing CAM software, so it no longer need pay royalties to MecSoft. ...just a thought.
I think the future is companies like Joe's OEM licensing a direct CAD modeler and porting their toolpaths to the user interface of that direct CAD modeler and then selling the whole package as Visual Mill Direct.
What should be obvious to many by now (but isn't) is that a CAM company needs much better control over their own destiny. With the proper OEM licensing of a direct modeler like SpaceClaim they will have it.
One day Joe many realize I'm right about this and make me a job offer. I'm thinking it should start at six figures. :>)
Jon Banquer
CADCAM Technology Leaders group on LinkedIn
Posted by: Jon Banquer | Oct 15, 2012 at 05:49 PM
Why would 3D Systems want to sell CAM? You don't need CAM software for 3D printing.
My guess is that a contract renewal period came up, and 3D Systems didn't renew. No big deal: MecSoft has a good reputation. They'll take care of AlibreCAM users.
Posted by: Evan Yares | Oct 15, 2012 at 07:10 PM