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Sep 19, 2012


Niko of USA

As a MAJOR software developer, AutoDesk should be testing their products on goldmaster versions of major OS upgrades, and finding out giant bugs, like not running. Sure Apple software has bugs, but it's not like they don't allow beta-testing, or like AD doesn't have the budget for this.

Kevin E.

Today "Apple" released a half-gigabyte-sized update 10.8.2 that adds Facebook integration (boo!), but also fixes all that ailed AutoCAD for Mac.

Notice that this update was done by Apple, not Autodesk. In other words, this was probably out of Autodesk's hands.

Ralph Grabowski

I doubt it was out of Autodesk's hands. AutoCAD for Mac was broken by Mountain Lion, and I suggest Autodesk investigated, found the flaw on the OS side, and requested Apple to fix it.

(Autodesk did not issue the patch to make Acad/Mac run again; Apple did.)


10.8.2 did not fix the issue on my macbook pro as AutoCad is still not working.

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