I was on Twitter, um, about for two years, I think it was.
First, I was bummed off about it, because I tried following tons of tweets. The output from Twitter is called the "firehose," because the amount bowls you over. Mostly retweets and irrelevant tweets ("Getting in my car with a coffee").
After that experience, I declared Twitter dumb.
But Twitter gets used a lot at conferences, and so I tried again. This time I kept my Follow list down to 25, half of whom rarely posted.
After a year of two of this diminished following, however, I began to become concerned about the data that behemoths like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and others are collecting.
About a month ago, I finally got fed up with the time needed to read and respond. I had gained just over 600 followers in the time that my WorldCAD Access blog grew by a couple of thousand readers, now reaching just over 8,000. I switched my Twitter time to my blogging time; it's more effective.
I cancelled my Twitter account. It takes 30 days for cancellations to come into effect.
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Yah, so if you want @ralphg, it's available now.
Heh, it appears that some did try to casually take the @ralphg account. This morning I received this alert from Twitter:
Twitter received a request to reset the password for your Twitter account (@ralphg).
I 'spose this means that no one else can take that Twitter handle, since it is still associated with one of my email addresses.