The tech world is talking excitedly about the next release of Apple's OS X operating system for its Mac line of computers. Reading through some of the articles, here's a list of new features that I think macCAD vendors might be interested in implementing:
Notification and Alerts Centers - slides down notifications, like first found on Android. CAD vendors can use this to report when linked files change, updates are available, plotting jobs are finished, and so on.
Share Sheets - (sounds like too many people and not enough beds, unfortunately) lets you share CAD drawings with other services, such as email or the CAD vendor's own sharing service.
AirPlay Mirroring - - shows what's on your (small) screen on a larger HDMI-compatible monitor via a second-generation Apple TV module, which acts like a wireless video adapter.
Mountain Lion is now fully integrated with iCloud, but that's of lesser interest to CAD vendors, because services like SugarSync and Autodesk's own WS are OS-independent, and so work on many more hardware platforms.
When OS X Lion shipped last year, some macCAD packages suffered from incompatibilities, and so users should check if Mountain Lion creates unexpected problems, once it become available for purchase this summer.