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Feb 14, 2012



As I recall a fairly decent performer for its' time. I logged alot of hours on the 4014. That was a screamer then.

Jim Longley

Going from memory, as I no longer have access to original Purchase Order, but...
I remember, too, the first Engineering Workstation purchased by my former employer circa 1986

A Compaq 386/20 with 4MB memory, co-porocessor, 10MB HD - $16,000 or so
There was an Nth Engine Graphic cards @ $4,000 (We were using VersaCAD/386 5.4)
And an HP Draftmaster I pen plotter, which I seem to recall as being about $16,000 or so as well
Oh! how times have changed


Cad has really come a long way and improving steady. I could imaging working from one of those machine today.


Do you reckon that invoice is typewritten (as with typewriter) rather than printed?

I remember 3 of us having to share 'The AutoCAD machine' when I was at tech in 1985.

Ralph Grabowski

Yes, it was very much typewritten. They didn't use a computer to print their letter!

Of course, back then, printing was not easy. Daisy-wheel printers did a nice job, but were expensive and could not do graphics; dot-matrix printers were cheaper (well, $750 was the price of my first one, in 1983) but printed rough text with just 8 pins. Laser printers for personal computers were not available until 1983, and then cost $12,800 from HP.

Kim Corbridge

Of course this letter was done on a typewriter. At that time a word processor was made by Wang and probably cost as much as that CAD workstation.

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