Today's the day that Bricsys (finally!) launches Bricscad V12 for Linux at Since the Linux version is so similar to the Windows version -- 2D and 3D constraints, direct editing, quad cursor for just $675 -- I thought I'd just list for you the names of system variables specific to the Linux version:
Allowtabexternalmove -- Allows a tab to be moved externally
Allowtabmove --Toggles whether tabs can be moved
Allowtabsplit --Split tabs
Autosavechecksonlyfirstbitdbmod --Ignore all but first bit of DBMOD for autosave
Middleclickclose --Close tabs with middle click
Showscrollbuttons --Toggle scroll buttons
Showtabclosebutton --Show Close button on tabs
Showtabclosebuttonactive --Show Close button on active tab only
Showtabclosebuttonall --Show Close button on all tabs
Showtabcontrols --Toggle tabs visibility
Showwindowlistbutton --Toggle window list button
Tabcontrolheight --Tab height in pixels
Tabsfixedwidth --Fixed width tabs
The references to "tabs" are Excel-like tabs for quickly switching between drawings, and the the reference to "window list button" is a button that lets you move Bricscad to another workspace. (Linux comes with four workspaces, by default -- something Mac users know about, but probably not most Windows users.)
More info at
TIP: If you want to try out this software, but don't want to dedicate a computer to Linux or even bother with a dual-boot system, Bricscad V12 for Linux mostly works running in a virtual machine, such as Oracle's VirtualBox. I recommend Mint Linux.
[Disclosure: I write ebooks about Bricscad.]