Mike Whusberg over at Geometros alerted me to their C++/C# solid geometry library for CAD development. They have versions for Mac and Windows, with iOS coming soon.
If your CAD system does not support the kinds of entities you need to work with, then Geometros suggesets that you write your own -- for free. Its SgCore library is free indeed, although the registered version ($500 and up) loads SHX font files, creates text and dimensions, loads and saves objects in user-defined formats, and handles DXF. They're working on adding ray-tracing.
Geometros offers four products:
- sgCore C++/C# Geometry Library for OS X or Windows
- Solidgraph OpenSource CAD System
- rtEngine Ray Tracing Engine
- sgCore Extensions (coming soon): sgCore WebGL, sgCore manufacturing, and sgCore 3DS import