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Jan 23, 2012


Normand C.

The CAD Digest "revival" is a nice idea, I know content is more important than the container, and I can't wait reading on the multi-facet articles (I haven't found those KeyCreator articles). But can you tell Mr. Tara that his website is in urgent need of a revamp? Because it actually looks like it was done ten years ago. Web 2.0 has passed and has been cliché for years now, but TenLinks has been stuck in time in Web 0.x era. The yellow vertical bands and the reddish brown titles are just awful, the main column is a ridiculous 400px wide, and in Firefox the 800px total width of the page is placed to the left, leaving a huge white space on the right in my navigator window. Come on, even netbooks screens are at least 1024px wide these days. The whole thing is so repulsive that it's not going to attract readers.

Steve Johnson

Make sure you keep an eye out for errors such as "a new tact" and "lessor-known" when you edit those words to perfection. Is Roopinder hiring proofreaders, too?

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