Arnold van der Weide reports on Open Design Alliance, and its relationship with Bricsys, at #bricsys2011.
He describes the initial meeting in which ODA and Bricsys agreed to coordinate development, back in 2009. Bricsys told ODA needs a fixed schedule, so that the CAD vendors know when ODA will deliver APIs. Greabert made the same request.
At a meeting in early 2011, a strange thing occurred: members and developers began speaking with each other. Which resulted in Teigha 3.5 being released in June 2011.
If these changes had not happened, then ODA would have become like academics.
The ODA now has 1,200 members in 50 countries. 12% use CAD; 66% only read and write DWG. Others need the libraries for file conversion, doing renderings, writing Web apps, and accessing databases.
Two new types of ODA membership: Corporate Founding, and Corporate Sustaining. this is meant for corporations who only use the software in-house and so do not want to be named publicly.
New operating systems to be supported at iOS (iPhone and iPad separate), and Android by end of the year.
New support for .Net that uses SWIG to generate .net wrappers. I don't understand this .net stuff, but it will ship by end of year.
Muti-core on desktop and cloud. On the cloud, do database, data manipulation, and user interface. First beta by the end of this year. In loading files, new multi-core version of Teigha is 50% faster.