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Sep 15, 2011



Actually these are many different very good tips, I have learned a lot, thanks :-)


Thank you for list list. My pet peeve is the less/fewer difference that most people just don't get. I hear it all the time, but "less people" gives me a very gruesome visual; which parts are missing?

Alan Belniak

Another huge offender is "In order to". Just say "To". "In order" offers no value.

R. Paul Waddington

Good tips, thanks.
For me it is the use of the word “that” I notice. Eg;

“So why is it that some in our CAD industry….”

“but if you think it’s something that your wife does…”

“The fact is that everyone is using it;….”


Yours is the first reasonable explanation of the that-which choice I've ever seen. Most people just say "Don't use which."

web hoisting

. I hear it all the time, but "less people" gives me a very gruesome visual;Good blog..keep sending like this good information..

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