Back in the days of PalmOS and WinCE, there was some rudimentary CAD software, typically viewers or calculators. With today's cell phones and tablets packing the horsepower requivalent of desktop PCs, we're starting to see desktop-like software, like AutoCAD WS, TurboViewer, and Gstarcad M.
But it is still early days.
Just this morning, in my cramped bedroom of my inlaws place in north-central Alberta, I see mobile announcements from three very different vendors:
- SATFLOW1 and MOVASPEED2 from TRL's traffic engineering software bundle have been re-engineered "to run on an iPhone3, iPod touch3, and iPad3." (I think they meant iPad 2.) The company also announced that their STC and CFP programs will also be ported. - Siemens PLM Software updated its Teamcenter Mobility for iPad. Updates are good, for it means that the company is sticking with the product, for now.
- And then there is one more company -- in the AEC space -- that will be announcing a mobile version of its software tomorrow.
Now we just gotta get these companies to see the wisdom of porting their software to Android, with its marketshare being 2x larger than iOS devices.
I find it ironic the Teamcenter Mobility for iPad demo is flash based.
Posted by: Patrick Hughes | Sep 07, 2011 at 08:21 AM
Now we just gotta get these companies to see the wisdom of porting their software to Android, with its marketshare being 2x larger than iOS devices.
Right. Keep pushing that rock uphill.
Maybe CAD vendors know something that curmudgeons on the Internet don't...?
Posted by: DF | Sep 12, 2011 at 02:48 AM