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Jun 30, 2011


lesley osborne

seem to be ok but its slow and i have to recharg battery evry 30 mins.. this is not good...so iv ony been on it a few times i bought it for facebook and the odd game for when im in englan so for me its a waste or is there anything i can do to make mine a bit quicker.. and where can i but a keypad from... ps im in the netherlands holland

ipad 1 price

I don't know if I would be comfortable using a device that need such frequent battery charging. The iPad battery last for a ful 10 hours. That would be a major drawback for me.


"While its USB ports don't work for file transfer, they do work as ADB (Apple device bus)"

ADB is not short for Apple Device Bus lol. ADB = Android Debugging Bridge.

ultimate tech news

Ur articles are amazing and thank you that u r posting such a useful articles

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