This week, upFront.eZine has for your reading pleasure:
1. Graphisoft ArchiCAD 15
- Freeform BIM Tools and Workflow Support
- Native 3D Editing
- Demo Time
2. Autodesk Homestyler
Reviewing the Cloud, Episode 2
3. Out of the Inbox and other regular columns
You can read all about this week's business of CAD at
The problem you had with the cloud was solely because you were not doing it on the upcoming Apple Cloud. It will be robust and reliable and when fully implemented everything you could want will be there and all you will have to do is hold your modem just right to get the best throughput rates. Apple will have a class for this if you are unsure as to how to do it.
Posted by: Dave Ault | Jun 07, 2011 at 10:33 AM