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Apr 13, 2011


Alexander Bausk


Now seriously, the effort put in any of the lesser ones of these could, if put to a good use, yield us some decent engineering tools instead of yet another social abomination.

Dave Ault

Amen to that and double it for me. I am really tired of hearing about all this social media crap and how I am supposed to allow younger employees to indulge in this frivolous junk on my dime. Not here and not ever. You want to be a modern and progressive employee and tweet, twitter, Farmville or whatever other meaningless thing you want to do that you feel is your perogative while at work go somewhere else. This is part and parcel of the same group of kids that can't make change for a dollar without a calculator. Yes I am totaly disgusted with the inane things that are deemed inportant by some. Cutting edge where it counts technically for me and all this social junk can take a hike.

Kevin E.

OK, there are a lot of web ventures, but how many of those had millions of dollars invested? That is the big difference.

Sometimes Dave, you have to find some new cheese......

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