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Apr 04, 2011


Account Deleted

So, may be now you understand all copyright wars Autodesk? Nice moment for think are same, as Autodesk?


No one seems to know what copyright means, sorry this happened to you.

Steve Johnson

Plagiarism is bad, but so is apostrophe abuse.

Dietmar Rudolph

Ralph, do you know of a site which makes such plagiarism public? Something like a list saying original - copy (authorized/not). Like you or Owen I find my writings on the net everywhere. Often on pages which pretend it to be their own, but not even having a person responsible listed. When I find such, I also try to educate them, with getting stranges replies. The best I got was a note that the copy was only intended as a backup in case I decided to take it off my site.

Matt Lombard

Plagiarism and outright theft of entire copyrighted works annoys me as well. I've had to take moves against other blogs simply reprinting my entire blog with advertising around it. That's the part that gets me most. I post stuff for free, and then other people steal the free stuff and try to make money from it.

Of course the biggest part of the problem is the sense of entitlement coming from those who are touted as "the future of business and technology". They don't understand ownership or personal responsibility. It could be argued they don't even understand individualism, since most of what they do is en masse as a mob.

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