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Mar 22, 2011


Patrick EMIN

Noooo!? BLIPMODE also ?! This is my youth that goes!

Steve Johnson

The last three are not gone, just hidden:


Jonathan Yeandle

Hello Ralph,

Here's a question or two, posed in a reflective frame of mind: -

"How does adding yet more bloat to a CAD tool help anything?".

Does a hardware requirement of 3GHz processor and 8GB RAM- merely to "grind to a crawl" equate to yet more dumb micro-data shuffling? I'm guessing it does.

I'll hedge a bet that there are even more lines of code with a commensurate increase in the probability of more bugs to be discovered?

Where are we going with all this?

My MDT R6 used to run ok with 0.5GHz processor and 0.5GB RAM. It now goes really well on my latest hardware, 3GHz HP XW8400 with 4GB RAM (cost = 500GBP).

Just idle wanderings.

Kind regards,

Ralph Grabowski

Good job, Steve, in noticing that those commands are disabled with the Undefine command. First time Autodesk has done this.

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