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Mar 30, 2011


Rachael Taggart

That photo of Kenneth and Al is a classic. Nice catch Ralph.

Steve Johnson

So when you ask a question and don't get an answer (e.g. ClassicArray[TM]), how does that work? Is it "I don't know", "I don't know but I'll find out", "I refuse to answer", "Ha ha ha, next question", or what? If you're fobbed off, do you follow up or let it slide?

Ralph Grabowski

Silence was the answer, accompanied by a thin smile. It could be that they did not know what I was asking about, since the ClassicArray command doesn't exist.

Mark Flayler

I am still able to perform the standard array with the -AR in the command line.

Ralph Grabowski

True enough, the -Array command works as before at the command line, but the dialog box version is missing (used to be accessed through the Array command.)

Steve Johnson

The "ClassicArray command doesn't exist" statement needs clarification. It isn't provided by Autodesk as part of AutoCAD 2012, but it does exist.


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